
This section includes all the prohibition signs! If you do not find what you need, please contact us through the means available in the page.

C1 - Street way prohibited

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C2 - Local of traffic prohibited

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C3a - Location of transit's forbidden to cars and motorcycles with car

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C3b - Local of traffic prohibited to heavy vehicles

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C3b - Local of transit prohibited to goods vehicles

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C3b - Local of traffic prohibited to goods vehicles of total weight exceeding ... tons

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C3e - Local of traffic prohibited to motorcycles

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C3f - Local of traffic prohibited to mopads

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C3g - Local of traffic prohibited to cycles

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C3h - Local of traffic prohibited to agricultural vehicles

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C3i - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles of animal traction

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C3j - Local of transit prohibited to wheel barrows

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C3l - Local of transit prohibited to pedestrians

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C3m - Local of transit prohibited to horseman

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C3n - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles with a trailer

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C3o - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles with a trailer of two axles or more

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C3p - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles carrying dangerous materials

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C3q - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles transporting products that are easily flammable or explosive

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C3r - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles transporting goods likely to polute the waters

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C4a - Local of traffic forbidden to cars and motorcycles

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C4b - Local of traffic forbidden to vehicles of goods and motor vehicles with a trailer

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C4c - Local of traffic forbidden to cars, motorcycles and vehicles of animal traction

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C4d - Local of traffic forbidden to vehicles of goods and vehicles of animal traction

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C4e - Local of traffic forbidden to pedestrians, animals and vehicles that are not cars or motorcycles

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C4f - Local of traffic forbidden to two wheeler vehicles

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C5 - Local of transit prohibited to vehicles having axle weight exceeding ... tons

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C6 - Local transit prohibited to vehicles of total weight exceeding ... tons

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C7 - Local transit prohibited to vehicles or set of vehicles of a length exceeding ... meters

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C8 - Local transit prohibited to vehicles or set of vehicles of a width exceeding ... meters

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C9 - Local transit prohibited to vehicles or set of vehicles of a height exceeding ... meters

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C10 - Place where it is forbidden to travel by the less than ... metres of the vehicle ahead

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C11a - It Is prohibited to turn right at the next intercession

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C11b - it Is prohibited to turn left at the next intercession

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C12 - It is prohibited to reverse

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C13 - it Is prohibited to exceed the maximum speed of ... kilometers per hour

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C14a - It is prohibited to overtake

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C14b - It is forbbiden to overtake for heavy vehicles

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C14c - It is prohibited to overtake for motorcycles and mopeds

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C15 - Parking is prohibited after the signal

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C16 - It is prohibited to stop and park after the signal

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C17 - It is prohibited to beep

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C18 - It is mandatory to stop at the customhouse

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C19 - it Is mandatory to stop at tolls or similar situations

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C20a - End of all of the foregoing prohibitions

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C20b - End of speed limitation imposed previously

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C20c - End of prohibition of overtaking

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C20d - End of prohibition of overtaking to heavy viecles

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C20e - End of prohibition of overtaking for motorcycles and mopeds

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C21 - End of the prohibition of stopping or parking

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C22 - End of the prohibition of horning

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