Signs of derection, selection of routes and outputs
E1 - Destinations on the itinerary, selection of routes
Ver MaisE2 - Exit destinations
Ver MaisE3 - Sign for side check on destinations
Ver MaisF1a - Application of limitation to traffic lane, or lanes of traffic.
Ver MaisF1b - Application of limitation to traffic lane, or lanes of traffic, junction with a way without priority
Ver MaisF2 - Application of limitation to traffic lane, or lanes of traffic, lane reserved for vehicles of public transport
Ver MaisO1a - Hectometer demarcation of the road - IP
Ver MaisO1b - Hectometer demarcation of the road - IC
Ver MaisO2a - Kilometer demarcation of the road - AE
Ver MaisO2b - Kilometer demarcation of the road - IP
Ver MaisO2c - Kilometer demarcation of the road - IC
Ver MaisO3a - Miriameter demarcation of the road - AE
Ver MaisO3b - Miriameter demarcation of the road - IP
Ver MaisO3c - Miriameter demarcation of the road - IC
Ver MaisO4a - Exit approximation signal, 750m - AE
Ver MaisO4b - Exit approximation signal, 500m - AE
Ver MaisO4c - Exit approximation signal, 250m - AE
Ver MaisO5a - Directional stall to do boundary in points of divergence
Ver MaisO5b - Directional stall to do boundary in points of divergence
Ver MaisO6a - Directional stall «chevron»
Ver MaisO6b - Directional stall
Ver MaisO7a - Position beacon, right
Ver MaisO7b - Position beacon, left
Ver Mais